
Showing posts from July, 2020


In order to protect your whatsapp account  from hackers you need to activate two-step verification on your whatsapp. In these days of hacking you need to protect your account to avoid embarrassment. WHAT IS WHATSAPP TWO-STEP AUTHENTICATION Two-step verification  is an optional feature that adds more security to your account. When you have two-step verification enabled, any attempt to verify your phone number on WhatsApp must be accompanied by the six-digit PIN that you created using this feature. HOW TO ACTIVATE TWO-STEP VERIFICATION ON WHATSAPP 1. Go to settings on  your whatsapp 2. Select account 3. Select two step verification 4. Create a six digit PIN that you can always remember From time to time you shall be required to enter the SIX digit PIN and whenever there is any changes on your Whatsapp account you shall be required to enter the PIN to continue. Please make sure you keep your PIN secret to only you.